Date and time | 2022-03-19 13:24 (2022-03-19 11:24:56 GMT) |
The system clock seems to be 50 minutes off. |
Operating System | Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 |
This operating system is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched. |
Anti-virus | *** Missing *** |
No anti-virus product active. |
Anti-spyware | Windows Defender
Your anti-spyware product does not seem to be up-to-date. |
Firewall | Personal Firewall A Personal Firewall B
Okay |
Automatic system update | 2022-02-14 16:32 |
The last system update was 32 days ago. |
User Account Control | *** Disabled *** |
Windows User Account Control is disabled, which would allow malicious programs to make unauthorized changes to your operating system settings. |
Internet settings | *** Unsafe *** |
Certain Internet security settings are not safe. |
Security Center | Okay |
Okay |
Malicious software | TabQuery 1.0 build 127 |
This program version is reported to be malicious. |
Malicious processes | service-x86 exe |
This process version is reported to be malicious. |
Suspicious software | LuckyCOupoon |
This program version is suspected to be malicious. |
Suspicious processes | hnhjpwxs |
This process version is suspected to be malicious. |
Software no longer supported | Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 |
This program is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched. |
Software no longer supported | Windows Live Essentials |
This program is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched. |
Outdated software | Java 8 Update 40 (64-bit) |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Outdated software | Microsoft Silverlight |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Outdated software | Google Chrome |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Outdated software | IrfanView (remove only) |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Outdated software | Skype™ 7.5 |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Outdated software | Adobe Reader X (10.1.16) MUI |
This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons. |
Scan score | 2.5 | At the time of the scan there were critical/recommended items, possibly but not necessarily including security issues. |