Laptop:DEMO/12345678/F97044J (12345)
Brand/model:Dell Inc. Studio 1537
Operating System:Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
This ScanCircle report is for private usage only and may not be offered to you by any third party.

SubjectValueSafety remarks
Date and time2022-03-19 13:24 (2022-03-19 11:24:56 GMT) The system clock seems to be 50 minutes off.
Operating SystemWindows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 This operating system is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched.
Anti-virus*** Missing *** No anti-virus product active.
Anti-spywareWindows Defender
Your anti-spyware product does not seem to be up-to-date.
FirewallPersonal Firewall A
Personal Firewall B
Automatic system update2022-02-14 16:32 The last system update was 32 days ago.
User Account Control*** Disabled *** Windows User Account Control is disabled, which would allow malicious programs to make unauthorized changes to your operating system settings.
Internet settings*** Unsafe *** Certain Internet security settings are not safe.
Security CenterOkay Okay
Malicious softwareTabQuery 1.0 build 127 This program version is reported to be malicious.
Malicious processesservice-x86 exe This process version is reported to be malicious.
Suspicious softwareLuckyCOupoon This program version is suspected to be malicious.
Suspicious processeshnhjpwxs This process version is suspected to be malicious.
Software no longer supportedMicrosoft Office Professional Plus 2010 This program is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched.
Software no longer supportedWindows Live Essentials This program is no longer supported. Security leaks are no longer patched.
Outdated softwareJava 8 Update 40 (64-bit) This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Outdated softwareMicrosoft Silverlight This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Outdated softwareGoogle Chrome This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Outdated softwareIrfanView (remove only) This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Outdated softwareSkype™ 7.5 This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Outdated softwareAdobe Reader X (10.1.16) MUI This software version is outdated and must be updated/deleted for security/stability reasons.
Scan score2.5At the time of the scan there were critical/recommended items, possibly but not necessarily including security issues.


  • When red security remarks are shown, you must solve these first, orange security remarks should also be solved or explained and blue/green security remarks can be used to increase the security of your system;
  • When all is well, you may print this report or register this device so that we will save this scan for you and you can request the report in the future again;
  • This report shows the status of this device at the moment of the scan. Older scans may report new critical/recommended security issues in time due to unidentified malware or outdated software. No rights can be derived from this report.

Critical itemsFollow the advices listed to improve the security and/or stability of your computer unless you have a very good reason not to do so.
Recommended itemsWe strongly suggest following the advices listed to improve the performance, security and/or stability of your computer.
Optional itemsYou may follow the advices listed to bring your computer up to date but this is often not necessary if your computer is working okay.
Informative itemsThe advices listed may help you to solve hardware and/or software problems and identify deviations from standard installations.
Ignored itemsAt your request the advices listed are being ignored. Undo all
OkayNo need to take action.